Be sure check out our Instagram feed and stories, or Facebook page, as well as our YouTube channel for much more Jeepness

Scroll down and check out some samples


Our main outlet, or you could even say passion, is our YouTube channel. The reason MJUK exists is because of the videos we make; it’s our outlet for combining our Jeep addiction and video making.

Here is our latest video. To access the full channel, just click on the title at the top of the video thumbnail image.

If you like our videos, please give them a thumbs up and maybe even leave us some love in the comments section.

Just a small example from our Instagram feed

Here’s a direct like to our Facebook page

We also run a very active Facebook group of the same name. The group is a very friendly place, where you can find lots of useful help and advice from many other Jeepers from the UK and the rest of the world.

So if you need some info, or just want to show everyone your Jeep, why not join the group and get stuck in.